A downloadable game

Play now here at HyperDev (please use Google Chrome as your browser; the audio doesn't seem to work in other browsers): https://violet-crow.hyperdev.space/

Lead the Water Bear through a successful tropical vacation! The game takes about 60 seconds to complete, and is submitted as the entry of Team Nuggets (Sandra Truong and Ryan McCormick; Table 55) for the Texas A&M University Chillennium 2016 48-Hour Game Jam (theme: Big Fuss About Nothing).

Please note that the assets are also hosted on HyperDev's servers, so if HyperDev is down the assets won't load. Please also give it some time to load if your connection is slow.


The authors would like to thank the Phaser game engine developers and community, Inkscape, Hyperdev, and Audacity for all of their work that made this game possible. A special thanks also to the Chillennium 2016 Game Jam.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave a comment or download the game files since we can't otherwise track player counts via the hyperdev link.


TardigradeDay.tgz 597 kB

Install instructions


If you do not play through the HyperDev link above, you'll need to download the game files and have Node.js installed. To launch the game, at the command line, move to the game file directory containing server.js, and run:

node server.js

If Node.js is installed correctly, it should say something like

Your app is listening on port 50077

Then visit localhost in your browser and specify the port being listened on, e.g.,


Please note that the assets are also hosted on HyperDev's servers, so if HyperDev is down the assets won't load.

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